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Physical Activity Guidelines (65+)

On this page:

    Guidance for Health – CardiovascularWhenWhat
    Accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate (not be able to sing) exercise per week, build up gradually**.


    If already active, 75 minutes of vigorous (not be able to talk) exercise per week.


    A combination of each.
    Do some physical activity each day, any activity is better than none.

    Aim to be less sedentary, break up long periods of inactivity with movement, or at least standing.
    Moderate exercise: brisk walking/cycling/dancing / heavy gardening etc.

    Vigorous exercise: running/spinning classes etc.
    Guidance for Health – ResistanceWhenWhat
    Activities to improve or maintain strength in the major muscle groups.
    At least 2 days per week; but any strengthening activity is better than none.

    Can be incorporated into the moderate cardiovascular sessions.
    Progressive & individual, seek professional advice before starting any new exercise programme.

    Guidance for Health – Flexibility & BalanceWhenWhat
    Activities to improve balance and flexibility.At least 2-3 days per weekStatic and moving, balancing & stretching: Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong etc. 
    **Please do not start any new exercise programme without consulting your GP first. *UKCMO 2019

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    Physical Inactivity and Sedentary Behaviour 

    Physical Activity Guidelines (Healthy Adults 18-64)

