
Safe Tech Wellness Intro Workshop

EMF Protection pioneer Glynn Hughes teams with Wellness Consultant and Environmental Health Advocate Lisa Swarbrick to help families & health practitioners GET IN THE KNOW about this invisible stressor undermining our health. Let us show you how to build a bridge to better health as you, your family and patients bloom in a healthier environment.

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Touch for health poster

Touch for Health Workshop

Touch for Health was created in the 1970’s by a group of chiropractors to integrate their knowledge about the muscular structure of the body with the Chinese Medicine principles of energy flow in and around the body. They wanted to help their patients to help themselves so they didn’t always need to visit “experts” to fix them. The full system involved asking the body directly what it needs and is unique in this aspect, although lots of other modalities have evolved from these humble beginnings.

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Poster featuring Garuth Chalfont

Dementia Workshop Series

Garuth Chalfont, PhD has dedicated the last 30 years to improving connection to nature for people with dementia in care environments. As a health researcher he is now committed to teaching people how to stay healthy and dementia-free, and possibly avoid long-term care. The goal of Dementia Pioneers is to reduce the symptoms known as dementia by raising awareness about the root causes, teaching people to identify what factors are involved and empowering people to address them.

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