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The Sky and Alzheimer’s

On this page:

    In my constant search for the root causes of dementia, this topic deserves a deep dive. Like many observations of our world, this is another one we cannot openly discuss. But since the published papers and photographic evidence have increased, I aim to inform people of the facts as I see them. This is a taster of an extensive blog with all the references and links. As always, I encourage you to do your own exploration and come to your own conclusions.

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    PART ONE. Research connecting aluminum (aluminium) with Alzheimer’s

    Aluminium has long been recognised as a neurotoxin which kills brain cells. There are increased amounts of aluminium in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. In the blog there are studies confirming the four brain areas where it accumulates, the role of acid rain, and confirmation that it causes cognitive deficiency and dementia by crossing the blood-brain barrier. Our central nervous system is particularly at risk of damage from aluminium. Geoengineering also involves sulfate aerosols such as sulphur dioxide.

    PART TWO. Geoengineering and Solar Radiation Management

    Also called Solar Radiation Management (SRM) or weather modification, multiple countries have engaged in geoengineering for decades to alter, manipulate and control earth’s climate across particular regions. Cloud-seeding creates rain for crops during periods of drought. It is often used under the guise of combatting ‘man-made global warming’ or ‘climate change’ by blocking out the sun.

    2A. Patents and Pilots

    There is a patent from 1927 for the Process of Producing Smoke Clouds from Moving Aircraft. Another one from 1975 shows Powder Contrail Generation. In these early patents they were called ‘powder contrails’. Today, contrails (short for condensation trails) only relate to water vapour jet exhaust. Exhaust containing smog, chemicals or particles is called a ‘chemtrail’, short for chemical trail.

    Today’s operations are sophisticated and international. Most pilots are convinced they are helping humanity or the planet.

    2B. Legislation on weather modification

    U.S. Congress passed the Weather Modification Research and Development Policy Authorization Act in 2005. In July 2024 the NERC published a grant opportunity for “Modelling Environmental Responses to Solar Radiation Management” with grant funding up to an eye-watering £3,300,650.00 (3.3 billion). There is also SPICE (Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering) which was underway since 2010 through the Universities of Bath, Cambridge, Oxford and Edinburgh. Recently, a case was made for an International Non-use Agreement (2022) “to take immediate and effective political control over the development of solar geoengineering technologies.”

    2C. Flight paths and photos in the UK

    2D. Garstang, Lancashire

    2E. Climate and Media Soft Disclosure

    Live links are on the blog.

    2F. Legislative Action to Ban Chemical Trails (USA perspective)

    PART THREE. Aluminum (aluminium) and Sulphur Dioxide from Geoengineering

    Despite its widespread occurrence in the earth’s crust, aluminium has no known function in biology. A 2014 review was unable to find negative effects of aluminium consumed in amounts not greater than 40 mg/day per kg of body mass. Most of it leaves the body in urine or faeces. However, some passes the blood-brain barrier and is lodged in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. As of 2018, there was no good evidence that aluminium causes Alzheimer’s. Nevertheless, in very high doses, aluminium is associated with altered function of the blood–brain barrier, allowing toxic metals to reach the brain.

    Sulphur dioxide is one of the primary precursors of acid rain, which then mobilises aluminium from natural sources. The use of sulphate aerosols such as sulphur dioxide for solar radiation management has negative health effects. Long-term exposure to particulate matter such as air pollution and smog is significantly associated with higher prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease. (Details of water sample tests: Blog 3A-3C.)

    3D. Effect of Aluminium on Plants

    from Current Progress in Biological Research April 2013

    Once the aluminium is mobilised, it attaches itself to chemicals in the soil and plants “Aluminum is not a plant nutrient and at elevated levels it can be extremely toxic to plant roots and limit the ability of plants to take up phosphorus by reducing phosphorus solubility.” ( 

    Aluminium toxicity in field pea plants: Roots and foliage

    3E. Effects of Geoengineering on Human Health

    “Solar geoengineering by injecting aluminum oxide aerosol into the lower stratosphere is a serious threat to global mental health” – a quote in the British Medical Journal May 2022 by Giovanni Ghirga, Pediatrician, This paper summarises solar-radiation management (SRM) in terms of its environmental effects and raises the possibly severe effects of alumina on global mental health, including Alzheimer’s.

    “Worldwide land precipitation of aluminium following aerosol spraying into the lower stratosphere would increase human body exposure and seriously threaten Global Mental Health.”


    “Because geoengineering relies on a large mix of highly toxic chemicals and the collusion of the worldwide commercial airline industry, it has become a planetary scourge – hiding in plain sight. Those who knowingly deceive the public about radically destructive geoengineering operations not only betray the truth but life itself. They should be held accountable for crimes against Nature and Humanity.”

    Quoted from Hagen, M., Herndon, J. M., Whiteside, M., & Baldwin, I., 2024. Geoengineering Disinformation: Two Opposing Testimonies and the Stakes for Humanity. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 11(5). 254-266.

    PART FOUR. Solutions

    Learn as much as you can about the topic:

    1. GeoEngineering Watch is an authority on geoengineering headed by researcher and founder Dane Wigington.

    2. “Chemtrails” – How they affect you and what you can do (Aug 01, 2013 by THRIVE is a sensible well-thought out video by Kimberly Carter Gamble going over what they are, various concerns and multiple options for what we can each do to address them.

    3. “Exposed: The Hidden Agenda behind the UK Government’s very real Chemtrail Operations” An airline pilot is interviewed by Ant Critchley.

    4. “Sinister Skies: The chemtrail phenomenon in 15 minutes”

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