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Youth Hubs

This Youth Hub Blueprint outlines our strategy and good practice for supporting, encouraging and empowering young people with their health. We are offering individual and group activities, signposting and learning and it is the individual’s own responsibility as to what they do with that information. This is part of the main ethos of the PHA – self responsibility is key.
Some of this information is aimed at the Hub organisers / service providers and some is suggested for use by visitors to the Hubs.
We want to appreciate and allow space for all aspects of a young person’s being: spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.
This Blueprint includes a Youth Health Optimisation document.
Our Blueprint incorporates some of the existing protocols and practices whilst remaining focused on a future model.
We recommend all PHA Hubs join in the PHA Hub Chat Telegram Group: in order to share ideas and developments with other Hubs in the UK and around the world.

Health Hub Blueprint

Detox Programme

